Andrew “Stinko” Lewis Memorial

Stinko Wall Mural

On Tuesday 18th of August at 9.50am the world, Blood & Honour and his family lost one of its most dedicated and talented musicians and fathers. Andrew ‘Stinko’ Lewis the highly respected bass player of Celtic Warrior. Stinko had fought a three and a half year battle against cancer, and despite suffering great pain and discomfort he continued gigging and producing music almost until the bitter end.

Although he was best known for his work with Celtic Warrior, he also played for English Rose, Brutal Attack and his first own band which he had re-formed before his death – Blackout. During late 1996 and most of 1997 Stinko often played gigs where he played for one, two and even three bands in one night. This would be very demanding for most able bodied people. But despite having an advanced tumour in his bowel this true Celtic Warrior took on the challenge, never once complaining.

Stinko first appeared in the Blood & Honour scene in the early 1990’s with his band Blackout. They played gigs with Squadron, No Remorse, Celtic Dawn from Ireland and local band Violent Storm. The line up then was Stinko on bass, Miffy on guitar, Acky on drums and Roger on vocals. After the tragic loss of Violent Storm in March 1992 Stinko folded Blackout and along with Miffy joined Celtic Warrior. Despite all the success he had with Celtic Warrior, Blackout always remained in Stinko’s heart, and along with Brad of Celtic Warrior and our good friend Fatty Freeman Blackout was reformed once again in early 1998. Two songs were recorded ‘Hey Racial Brother and ‘Kill Me Before I Die’ (which was sung by Stinko). These 2 songs now appear on the ‘Voice Of Britain’ compilation CD. The lads already had enough material written for a full length Blackout CD and during these recording sessions, the idea of recording a full length CD was discussed but, due to the deterioration in Stinko’s health, the project was not done. Prior to his death, Brad and Freeman discussed at length with Stinko, the recording of the full length CD which was to incorporate music and lyrics Stinko had previously worked on. It was promised that the songs would be recorded in his honour, with all the royalties going into a trust fund for Stinko’s children.

Stinko had planned to get married on 13th September 1998 but when he was told he only had days to live he brought his wedding forward as it meant so much to him, and he married his sweetheart Sarah from his bed, just five day’s before his death. He was a very proud and happy man that day. He knew he only had a short time to live so he bravely planned his own funeral arrangements, choosing the music to be played and requesting that a Welsh flag be draped over his coffin. Hundreds of mourners packed both the church and the crematorium to pay their last respects to this Celtic Warrior. He also requested that his close friends scatter his ashes from the top of Pen-Y-Fan. The highest mountain in the Brecon Beacons in South Wales. On Tuesday the 1st September, 18 comrades gathered and carried his ashes to the peak of Pen-Y-Fan. A minute’s silence was held while a Welsh flag was held aloft as his ashes were cast to the wind as requested. See you in Valhalla mate.

Every year this concert is held and all monies made are donated to Stinko’s children trust fund. Blood and Honour Wales also hold an annual pilgrimage to the top of Pen–Y-Fan where on the 1st September 1998 eighteen members of Blood and Honour were true to his last wishes and laid his ashes.

Andrew ‘Stinko’ Lewis
16-06-1970 ~ 18-08-1998

“You Were the One – This song is dedicated to the memory of a fallen warrior, Andrew Stinko Lewis, our friend, our comrade, you fought a heroic battle mate, but your mortal soul has been taken from us, words cannot express the sorrow we feel, things will never quite be the same without you, you will always belong in our hearts and through your music, a real Celtic warrior, you truly were the one….”

A selection of flyers from past B & H Stinko Memorial concerts.