Britain Awake



Comrades till the End – Legion of St George – In the Footsteps of Heroes

Just hold on, united by blood
We’re coming to get you, united by blood
Help is on the way, united by blood
We won’t forsake you, united by blood
Just hold on!

In the darkest times
You make the closest friends
Comrades till the end
When I look in your eyes
I know we’re gonna win
Comrades till the end!

You’re not alone, united by blood
We’re right by your side, united by blood
Reinforcements, united by blood
European war, united by blood
You’re not alone!

Friend or foe? Decision is yours
Stand by our side, united by blood
Or fall in our onslaught, united by blood
When we come together!

Help is at hand, united by blood
Join our crusade, united by blood
Welcome to the brotherhood, united by blood
And you’ll never walk alone, united by blood

Alone Together – Legion of St George – Out of the Rubble Comes Revenge

Nothing to say that aint been said before
Cos they’ll push in the doors
So give me piece of mind
Cos we’re picking up the pieces to
Build a better tomorrow
And we strive on
Do you believe in me
Cos I believe in you
When the battle lines are drawn
Will you stand by my side
Do you believe in me cos
I believe in you
Will you cover my back
Will you fight for the truth

Stand alone, standing alone together
And it makes us proud
Alone, we stand alone together

We aint got the answers
We know somethings wrong
Our eyes don’t decieve us
Our hearts beat strong
Its our nations pride
But we still care
And we march on

Do you believe in me
Cos I believe in you
When the battle lines are drawn
Will you stand by my side
Do you believe in me cos
I believe in you
Will cover my back
Will you fight for the truth
Stand alone, standing alone together
And it makes us proud

Alone, we stand alone together
We survive the attacks
They aint taking us down
We got a long way to go
The seeds have been sewn
When I look at you
I can see the resistance of tomorrow
And I see hope

Do you believe in me
Cos I believe in you
When the battle lines are drawn
Will you stand by my side
Do you believe in me cos
I believe in you
Will you cover my back
Will you fight for the truth
Stand alone, standing alone together
And it makes us proud

Alone, we stand alone together
Depressing times
And they gonna get worse
But if we stick together
We can lessen the hurt
Safe in the knowledge
Tomorrow may come…
For our people
Do you believe in me
Cos I believe in you

When the battle lines are drawn
Will you stand by my side
Do you believe in me cos
I believe in you
Will you cover my back
Will you fight for the truth
Stand alone, standing alone together
And it makes us proud
Alone, we stand alone together
Hear our voice
Feel our wraith

Tales of Glory – Brutal Attack – Tales of Glory

If you got the time I wanna tell you a story
Written in blood
As you listen to it can you feel the glory
Like I could
It’s a little tale gonna make you feel good
Make you feel all right
About a coming day when we will be free
From this endless night
Common now

Tales of glory, tales of glory, yea, yea
Come and listen
To these tales of glory
Tales of glory, tales of glory, alright
Come and listen
To these tales of glory

It won’t be long ‘til our finest hour
Wait and see
Once we’re above we’ll shift the shower
You and me
We’re the chosen few yea, we’re the elite
10,000 warriors up on their feet
Common now

Look at our banners
Our destiny’s set
We will rest with the gods, in Valhalla
Man on the side what do we hide
Standing tall and proud
Make sure your voice never goes unheard
Shout it out loud
Common now

If you got the time I wanna tell you a story
Written in blood
As you listen to it can you feel the glory
Like I could
It’s a little tale gonna make you feel good
Make you feel all right
About a coming day when we will be free
From this endless night
Common now

England – Brutal Attack – Tales of Glory

I’m standing up on the fields
On the right I can see the warriors shields
On the left , lies, corruption and greed
But I know they are not of your seed

England I would die for you
Despite the things that you put me through
It’s not your choice who lives upon your land
But I’m gonna change it with the power in my hands

I can see the flame starting to burn again
The blood is strong and the loyalty it remains
Our enemies are gonna wish they never stood to face us
Our strength reduces their pillars to dust

Fields of green and a sky so clear and blue
Anyone who can turn their back they must be a fool
I have this feeling deep down inside of me
It tells me that pretty soon we will all be free
England I would die for you
Despite the things that you put me through
It’s not your choice who lives upon your lands
I’m gonna change it with the power in my hands

So lets look forward to tomorrow when we will reign supreme
And we will be the beholders of the final dream
Never again for someone else will we have to toil
Like the rain from the heavens our blood will feed the soil

England, England, England, England…

Warlord – Skrewdriver – Warlord

Once upon a time, long ago, or maybe not so long ago, in a land that progress had attempted to destroy.
Where many people had lost hope, and the enemy reigned with cruelty and evil.
This land where once the people were proud and free, now they cowered in fear and servility.
From this desert of destruction and despair, once more to the fore in his nation’s hour of need…
To the enemy’s terror, and his people’s elation, came the Warlord…

No one’s ever gonna take away his land
Not whilst he has the power in his hands
He appears when his nation is in danger
To all our enemies he’s the slayer

Warlord, I’ll tell you of his story
Warlord, riding into glory
Warlord, the power’s in his hands
Warlord, saviour of this land
Fear no evil, whilst he is at hand
He’s been the guardian since time began
Protector of the people and the pride
With him at our head now we shall ride to victory

Warlord, I’ll tell you of his story
Warlord, riding into glory
Warlord, the power’s in his hands
Warlord, saviour of this land.. Warlord
Warlord, I’ll tell you of his story
Warlord, riding into glory
Warlord, the power’s in his hands
Warlord, saviour of this land

No one messes with the people when he’s around
Heed this warning enemies and get out now
All those traitors out there he knows who you are
Battle cries are sounding warriors near and far, near and far

Warlord, I’ll tell you of his story
Warlord, riding into glory
Warlord, the power’s in his hands
Warlord, saviour of this land

I Can See the Fire – Skrewdriver – White Rider

I can see the glint of belief shining in your eyes
I know you won’t turn back from the future as it lies
You feel the anger direct it at the people all around
For it seems that they’re asleep it seems their hands are bound
I can see the fire and I know that it won’t die
I can see the flames are burning deep inside your eyes

You’re walking ’round it seems as if you’re in another land
It seems the people function with their heads down in the sand
You start to shout you start to scream but the sleepers slumber on
Then you awake, open your eyes but the nightmare hasn’t gone

I can see the fire and I know that it won’t die
I can see the flames are burning deep inside your eyes
I see fire in your eyes

It seems that life is going to be uphill all the way
But you won’t yield it’s no surrender until your dying day
For your ideals mean more to you than very life itself
For the pride you feel is all you need, it’s more than any wealth

I can see the fire and I know that it won’t die
I can see the flames are burning deep inside your eyes
I can see the fire and I know that it won’t die
I can see the flames are burning deep inside your eyes

I see fire in your eyes

Victory Day – No Fear – Still Got The Power

Well sit down and listen to what I have to say
Soon will come a great war, a bloody but holy day
And after that purging our people will be free
And sing up in the bright skies, a sun for all to see…

Times are very right tough now, for a proud white man to live
And although it may appear that this world has no life to give
Times are soon changing, this can’t go on for long
And on that joyful summer’s day, we’ll sing our victory song…

And the women will smile on victory day
And the children will laugh, and they’ll sing and They’ll play
And the forests will echo our grace
For the brand new dawn of our race

You are my brother and in war we proudly sing
Our cause shall never tire, our gift to you we bring
A holy creed of racial purpose, a mighty race to defend
And when we fly our holy flag their oppressive reign shall end

And when we finally conquer, our people will be free
And all across this great land, the bold truth we shall see
So as we march together, to avoid catastrophe
Let’s remember always our sacred destiny

The Eleventh Hour – No Remorse – The New Stormtroopers

Yesterdays gone, all that remains are dead
So many ventures and endless trails
We tried their rules but the circle never ends
Just as the road is ending we find another bend

The eleventh hour
The situation is make or break
It’s the final hour
And the country is at stake
The eleventh hour
The situation is make or break
It’s the final hour
Britain awake, I said, Britain awake!

For so long we fell for their divide and rule
Splinter groups and leaders
Acting like fools
Just when we thought our day was coming
We look to the leaders
And they were blinded by him

Now the lessons are learnt
We’re all wiser
We’re united by blood
Now the bickering stopped
In strength we march forward
With the bonds of our race

It’s the eleventh hour
We’re ready, ready to embrace
The eleventh hour
The situation is make or break
It’s the final hour
And the country is at stake
It’s eleventh hour
The situation is make or break
It’s the final hour
Britain awake, I said, Britain awake!

Of No Worth – Nemesis – The Forgotten Soldier

If you think you’ve got no personal freedom
If you think the whole world’s against you
Try fighting for your race and nation
You’ll find all these things are true
Try fighting the government traitors
The ones who hide behind the scenes
And the ones who are destroying our people
Just by planting their seed

You are my people this is my land
Here is the place where I’ll take my last stand
I will always fight for the 14 words
Because everything else in life is of no worth

You wake up in your bed at 2pm
Wondering what to do today
You would usually go to your job
But they took it away
They gave it to a 10 year old kid
In a land so far away
But you just sit there on your ass
Watching TV all day

Sitting in the pub with your mates
Throwing back the beers
Verbally righting the country’s wrongs
While pissing your Giro away
Moaning about the refugees moving
In down your street
Well I tell you talk is cheap my friend
But you ain’t got no money left

With You and Of You – Nemesis – The Forgotten Soldier

Oh how I love you this land of mine
You belong to me, And I belong to thee
Each river and brook, Each meadow and tree
Gifts of my blood and my birth, No titles or deeds

I am with you and of you
A feeling as old as time
I am with you and of you
My heart is thine
I am with you and of you
My birthplace, my home
One day this ground shall
Hold my bones

I am never so still, As when I stand on your shore
Or high in the hills, For I love you now as I did before
For your song is drumming in my, Heart and my views
For I am with you and of you, With each breath that I take

Your soil holds my forefathers, And your soil will hold I
By your summer’s I’m kissed, I share a chill wind under winter skies
My folk are bound to you, Be they dead, yet to be or alive
I see you in the eyes of a lover, Or in a wee baby’s smile
To this land I am wedded, And yet more jealous still
These words aren’t enough, For the love that I feel
For you are my birth-right, To precious to share
A home for my kinsfolk, Yet more precious and fair

Take Back the Streets – Avalon – A Journey Through Avalon

Take back the streets!
I see the pain of democracy causes in this world today
Conflicting views, the social news
People choose to have their say
I can see our peoples minds getting turned around
Our people make no sound
Start up a choice
There is only one voice

Take back the streets Take back the streets
Take back the streets Take back the streets

So many fools of alien roots
Shall form their right to speak
Paedophiles and child molesters who’ll always stay out of reach
Our peoples minds are told to give them a chance
Then final stance, Our peoples minds being torn apart
I can see our peoples minds getting turned around
Our people make no sound
Our peoples minds starved of a choice
There is only one voice

Traitors of this government
Can sure lead us the wrong way
Bomb the fuck out of Serbia
And fuck the whites out of Zimbabwe
I can see our peoples minds starting to turn
The lessons that they have to learn
Our peoples minds
The truth that they face
Our peoples minds
Hate isnt one way
I can see our peoples minds
Starting to turn
The lessons that they have to learn
The truth that they face
Our peoples minds
Hate isnt one way
Take back the streets
Take back the streets………

England is My Rose – Avalon – A Journey Through Avalon

Men of England, your land is nearly lost
Can you help us? To fight at any cost
Are you with us, united against ZOG
It’s time to fight, before all we love is lost

England is my home (my country)
England is my life (my nation)
England is my land (my birthright)
England is my rose & my pride

Awake Englishman, our enemies rape our land
Our foe is rising, now the time to make a stand
All together, our hearts beat as one
With heads held high, we face the coming storm

This land is ours, let no one take it away
And if they try, we will seek & make them pay
Listen now, all you who think we’re weak
We love our land, I have no time for the meek

Ready Now – Pureblood – That’s The Spirit

You ready now, you ready now, you ready now….
It goes with the territory it goes with the turf
It goes with being white at birth
You get what you prove, you fight for your own
Are you ready now

We are English boys, they despise our noise
Upto electing commie scum
United we stand divided we fall
Are you ready now, ready now, you ready now, ready now

Playing guitar and bang the drums
Take to the streets
And fight for your young
We won’t hide from anyone
Are you ready now, ready now, you ready now, ready now

Well come on white man
Take control of your fate now
Cos you know they hate you
And they wanna break you
We’re right here beside you
Brother I can hear your call
Never surrender, never give in

Are you ready now, ready now, you ready now, ready now…

Pureblood – Pureblood – That’s The Spirit

Once more on the edge
Summon up the blood
With the heart felt rage
Lend me an eye
Can you see the screamers
And differing lies
When the flames of the war have past
When the smoke of the battle has rolled away
May England know her soul again
May progress be made
We’re the brothers of pureblood

Heads up, stand fast, the sterner soul of the mist of life
Answer the call, for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing

When the flames of the war have past
When the smoke of the battle has rolled away
May England know her soul again
May progress be made
We’re the brothers of pureblood

As life is awaken, as the hearts quicken
May the spirit proves its worth
Against the powers of darkness
Comes the charge for England and St. George

Pride & Dignity – Whitelaw – We’re Coming for You

We’re up against the wall
But we stand up for you all
With pressure we’ll change
And our vision will come into range
It’s a deep cut in
But a triumph we must win
No more can you sit on the fence
The time is now it must commence

Its about dignity
A pride and a passion and your country
Its about dignity
A pride and a passion and your country

We know that we cant rest
Until we slaughter the beast
We are the vaccine
That will bring our people peace
We look out for our own
And That’s how strength has grown
The time is near
When our folk will know fear

Our ranks will swell
As we send the scum to hell
And ten will rise
For everyone of ours that dies
A power known once before
But this time we’ll settle the score
No metter what they do
We’ll always find a way to break through

Fetch the Noose – Whitelaw – Take The Salute

Don’t let you kids play out
There’s a pervert lurking about
They make an excuse for them
Just say don’t do it again

We say, fetch the noose
We say, hang ‘em high
We say, paedophile scum
Should be swinging in the sky

We need some public lynching’s
Watch the dirty bastards die
See ’em swing, watch them quiver
And the noose makes them cry

Kid toucher, you’ve been warned
We’ll hunt you down
Gonna show you no mercy
Gonna string you up high

W.W.A. – Celtic Warrior – Let The Battle Begin

We were warned of rivers of blood
But now those rivers are about to flood
We were used as pawns in their evil game
But now its all gone wrong
We are taking the blame

Oh we are whites with attitudes
Fighting back and we aint gonna lose
Oh we are whites with attitudes
Fighting back and we aint gonna lose

This is our land and we aint losing it to you!
Were labelled scum cos we’re proud to be white
But we wont give up our land without a fight
Our people have been brainwashed by their media scum
They talk of racial harmony, we’ve been overrun

How longs it gonna be
Before they understand
We are second class citizens
In our own land
If they take our land away
They’ll have to kill us all
Cos for our race and nation
We’re prepared to fall

Oh we are whites with attitudes
Fighting back and we aint gonna lose

We Take Our Strength – Celtic Warrior – Invader

A thousand years have passed these hills
When invading armies came
Frozen mountains past icy peaks
Forever their blood shall stain
The longer the sands shall be kissed by the sea
With the waves of blood red tide
Young warrior would gather for the break of light
Only in death they would leave behind

We take our stand from
The blood of our kin
And the dragons heart of our land
We take our stand from 1000 legends and
The blood stained soils in our hands

Seasons changes in a passing moon, cold nights now deep within
The battle got worse, the losses were great
The invader was closing in, he advanced in great numbers by dawn
Now the reign of tyranny comes, but his Celtic heart is enraged by fire
For the dragon never shall run

A thousand years have passed these hills
When invading armies came
Frozen mountains past icy peaks
Forever their blood shall stain

We take our stand from the pride of our nation
and battles of Baldur and mists
We take our stand from the pride of our homeland
and the beauty of our maiden’s kiss